The Art of Letting Go: Recognizing Red Flags in Relationships for a Happier You

Priyanshu Gupta
2 min readFeb 4, 2024

It has been quite some time since I last wrote, and I find myself questioning why. Why am I scared, particularly of writing about my feelings? Despite the passage of time, my journey with writing has been ongoing.

Today’s topic revolves around relationships, not solely romantic ones but encompassing all types. I’ve come to understand that relationships cannot be forced. If things don’t align with your expectations, there’s likely a compelling reason behind it. When things are meant to be, they flow effortlessly. There’s no need for extra effort; it just happens, and happiness ensues.

At times, we cling too tightly to a relationship because we deeply love the person involved. It could be due to envisioning a future together, deriving happiness from their presence, or simply having a long history with them. Perhaps they know every facet of you, acting as an open book, understanding your anger, frustration, and everything in between. Their significance in your life might be so immense that you hesitate to let go, even if the relationship brings both joy and pain.

Through conversations with various people and personal reflection, I’ve realized that any relationship, even if it strikes a balance between hurting and providing happiness, is a red flag. While an excessive amount of hurt signals toxicity, even a proportional mix should be carefully considered. When actions or behaviors consistently cause sadness, tears, or a sense of loss, it’s crucial to evaluate the relationship. If discussing and addressing these issues repeatedly fails to bring resolution, holding onto such relationships is not worthwhile. If you sense even a 1% loss of yourself or your happiness, it’s not worth it.

I acknowledge that it’s easier said than done, but in reality, walking away sooner is more advisable than enduring daily hurt just to hold onto someone. The fear of not having them should not overshadow your well-being. Consider asking yourself the following questions:

  1. Is this relationship adding peace to my life, or is it taking away from it?
  2. Am I happy around them or in their absence?
  3. Does their presence restrict me from being myself, leading to reluctance in expressing my true feelings?
  4. Is the relationship genuinely worthwhile at the end of the day?

Sometimes, we become blinded to the destructive impact a relationship can have on ourselves. It can drain our energy, induce depression, and foster self-doubt. Preciously holding onto something may not always be worth it; it’s essential to evaluate whether it’s making your life better or worse. Sometimes, without realizing it, we can sacrifice our well-being. It’s better to walk away before losing your entire self to salvage something that is already broken.



Priyanshu Gupta

Crafting pixel-perfect designs by day, spinning tales about life's quirks by night. Join me on a journey where creativity knows no bounds. Expect surprises! 🚀