How is life so bad?

Priyanshu Gupta
3 min readJul 30, 2020


What is life? Life is a box of surprises. Surprises can make you happy, Surprises can make you sad. Life is something that we should value every day. Because as someone said Life is a gift.

Being a child everybody loves you, pampers you, and takes special care of you. They feed you from time to time and make you laugh. They don’t expect anything from you. You have a very jolly time. You eat whatever they feed you with. You demand whatever you want and surprisingly they even get it for you. You dance whenever you wish too without thinking of what other people will think. You dress up without even caring what you are wearing, a boy attire, or a girl. Parents even do makeup for their children sometimes. To be honest it is and will always be the best time of most people out there.

A bomb drops when you become a teen, the time when you start realizing stuff. What you are doing and why are you doing it. When we are a child you do whatever you want and as you grow up you do what is expected by society today. An age where most of us teens get distracted by what’s right and what’s wrong. Sometimes we get mislead by things which we shouldn’t do. And Sometimes what all we care about is to look cool in front of our friends. There are also times when we try so much to fit in a group we do things that takes us to bad consequences. This is the age we realize many things. What’s important, what’s not. What are the things that actually matter to us and in our future life. We ret rid of so many things which we really enjoyed in the first place. We overall become a better person.

When you become an adult. Age is full of responsibilities and thinking about others in our lives. From one we become a two and then after some time maybe a four. Now is the time we think about our family. We think of ourselves and more about keeping our family happy and satisfied. We start planning our future. We start saving. We dedicate our lives to others which are very close to us. We do miss our alone times a bit, but we enjoy living for others and seeing them smile. It all seems worth it in the end of the day.

When we grow old. This is time we regret not looking after ourselves. We are not able to do things with enthusiasm like before. Our body becomes weak. We are nothing like before. We do not have many things to kill time. And if we do want to work also our body doesn’t let us do it. It only asks for rest and care. We do not love this period although we are rid of responsibilities and work. It makes us sympathetic about ourselves. We eventually become dependant on others for our work. We start seeking happiness in small things. But we do have tons of stories to tell our grandchildren which makes us relive the past and makes us happy for a while.

To life. Cheers.



Priyanshu Gupta

Crafting pixel-perfect designs by day, spinning tales about life's quirks by night. Join me on a journey where creativity knows no bounds. Expect surprises! 🚀